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Easy Insight and Teamwork Documentation

Teamwork Fields

The number of currently active projects.

The number of hours worked where Time Entry Billable was set to True

The name of the company as associated to different projects.

Zip code assigned to the company. You can use this field in displaying maps of where your customers are.

Count of the number of tasks completed late.

Count of the number of tasks completed on time.

Count of the number of completed tasks.

The number of hours worked where Time Entry Billable was set to False.

Whether or not all tasks in the project have been completed.

Who was the assignee of the first overdue task in the project? This field can help with root cause analysis for projects falling behind.

What was the first overdue task in the project? This field can help with root cause analysis for projects falling behind.

Whether or not the task has been completed.

The date at which the task was completed.

The number of tasks.

The date at which the task was created.

The person who created the task.

The description associated to the task.

The date at which the task is due to be completed.

The estimated cost of the task, based on the assigned's user hourly rate and the estimated amount of time.

The estimated amount of time in the task in hours.

The estimated amount of time in the task in minutes.

The internal ID of the task.

The amount billed for the time entry, based on the user's rate in Teamwork and the number of hours in the time entry.

Whether or not a time entry was billable.

The quantity of time entries.

The date for which the time entry was logged.

The description associated with the time entry.

The number of time entry hours.

The internal ID of the time entry in Teamwork.

The invoice number associated to the time entry.

The person who worked on the time entry.