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Webinar Recordings, Connections to Etsy and Square, and Multi Field Choice Filter Improvements

For this month, we've got webinar recordings, new connections to Etsy and Square, and improvements to multi field choice filters!

Webinar Recordings

Miss either of our earlier webinars this month? You can view our webinar for Easy Insight and DEAR at https://youtu.be/hAfe3kRIrV0 and you can view our webinar for what's new with Easy Insight at https://youtu.be/r074It7vjFs.

Connections to Etsy and Square

We've added new connections to Etsy and Square. The Etsy connection pulls over listings and orders, while the Square connection pulls over your catalog, orders, locations, and customers.

Multi Field Choice Filter Improvements

We've improved our multi field choice filters so that you can easily create a pick list of fields on your reports that end users can manipulate to change which fields are shown:
Multi Field Choice Filters
For more information on these filters, please see https://www.easy-insight.com/docs/filters/field-choice-filters.html.
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