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Amazon SellerCentral Updates, Katana Documentation and Operators, Cin7 Changes

We've made a wide ranges of changes and improvements to the Amazon SellerCentral connection, added documentation and operators for Katana, added serial numbers, adjustments, and stock transfers for Cin7, and more!

Data Source Refresh Status

From the reports page for a particular data source, the interface will now show refresh status for the data source next to the 'Refresh the Data Source' link. If a refresh is currently running or if the data source is incrementally loading history, it'll show that information next to the link:
Refresh Running

Amazon SellerCentral Updates

We've added a wide range of improvements to the Amazon SellerCentral connection. The connection's initial load of data should now be much faster. We've added returns, inventory age, and stranded inventory data. We've also updated the prebuilt dashboard to include all of this new data. You can read more about these updates at https://www.easy-insight.com/docs/data_sources/amazon-seller-central.html.

Katana Documentation and Operators

Looking for more documentation about our Katana integration? We've added a new set of documentation at https://www.easy-insight.com/docs/data_sources/katana.html. We've also added operators to the Katana manufacturing data, enabling you to report on operator productivity.

Cin7 Changes

We've added serial numbers, stock adjustments, and stock transfers to the Cin7 connection. We're made a few updates to the Cin7 prebuilts, but we're still making a few more improvements over the next few days, so we'll have more about those next week!
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