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Creating and Editing Reports Within a Dashboard

You can now create and edit reports right as you build a dashboard! This change should make it easier for you to quickly create dashboards.
When you choose to add a report to your dashboard, you'll see a new option below the existing "Choose a Report" option:
Simple Editor Start
If you click on "Create and Select a New Report", you'll open up a simplified version of the report editor. First, you'll need to choose the report type:
Choose Report Type
Next, you'll choose the fields for the report:
Choose Report Fields
With your fields defined, you'll choose the filters:
Choose Report Filters
And finally, you'll name the report:
Choose Report Name
With your configuration done, you can add the report to your dashboard. If you want to edit the report again, you can click on the Options menu next to the report name and choose Edit Report:
Choose Report Name
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